All Things New: Revelation as Canonical Capstone- Tabb, Brian, J.
Can We Still Believe the Rapture?- Hitchcock, Mark & Hindson, Ed
Charts on the Book of Revelation
The End: A Complete Overview of Bible Prophecy and the End of Days- Hitchcock, Marc
The Joy of Hearing: A Theology of the Book of Revelation- Schreiner, Thomas
Kingdom Come: The Amillennial Alternative: Storms, Sam
The Meaning of the Millenium: Four Views- Clouse, Robert
A New Heaven and A New Earth: Reclaiming Biblical Eschatology- Middleton, J. Richard
The Popular Encyclopedia of Bible Prophecy- LaHaye, Tim & Hindson, Ed
Revelation: Four Views- Gregg, Steve
The Theology of the Book of Revelation- Bauckham, Richard
Things to Come: A Study in Biblical Eschatology- Pentecost, J. Dwight
Blessed: Experiencing the Promise of the book of Revelation- Guthrie, Nancy
The Message of Revelation: I saw Heaven Opened- Wilcock, Michael
Revelation- Fanning, Buist, M.
Revelation: An Expository Commentary- Barnhouse, Donald
Revelation: A Shorter Commentary- Beale, G.K.
Revelation: The Spirit Speaks to the Churches- Hamilton, James
Revelation: Verse by Verse- Osborne, Grant R.
Revelation For Everyone- Wright, N.T.
When the Man Comes Around- Wilson, Douglas
Call Numbers