The New Certificate in Biblical Worship

It’s been such a joy to launch our new worship certificate program this fall here at CCBC! We have students joining us from all over the country, including one who traveled from Mexico to participate this year. A few weeks into the courses, we’ve begun laying a solid Biblical and theological foundation focused on servant-hearted leadership, creativity and art, and a Biblical life of worship. 

Currently, our students are engaged in two core classes: Worship Theology and Worship Leadership & Team Development. Our class discussions have been rich, complemented by our worship times during weekly chapels and worship nights. Soon, the students will be engaging in multiple days of instrument and creative workshops in the areas of songwriting, acoustic & electric guitar, vocal health and technique, along with many other instrument workshops to come in the coming weeks and months. Together, these will equip students with both instructional and practical foundations for Biblical worship, while helping them develop ministry philosophies and practices that will foster healthy worship teams in the future.

I’m longing and praying that Jesus continues to establish much in the hearts and lives of these students and that the profound work that He is doing in these areas flourishes even more. Please join me in praying for these students and the work the Lord is doing in our midst. It’s already been beautifully refreshing to watch as it’s beginning. There’s a hunger for holiness, a growing joy to linger in His presence, and a desire to make much of Jesus in and through their lives.

-Sam Miles, Worship Coordinator

    A Letter From Our President

    Fall is a season we associate with transitions, and this is true for the college as well, but this fall speaks to me personally more of stability than transition. This is my third fall serving CCBC. I joined the crew in a season of tremendous transition. The last two years were defined by change: Although I was installed as president in 2022 and we moved our campus to Twin Peaks that fall, that was only the beginning of the transitions: changes in staff and faculty, the way we articulate our mission and values, updates to our programs, changes in tuition and fees, and all of this while experiencing a record-setting snow storm, continuing to progress in our accreditation process, and actually doing the work God has given us in and with our students.

    With all that change behind us this fall, I look forward to a season of stability. The two are quite different, of course. Transition, like repentance, is drastic, immediate, and sometimes really hard. Our new season is more like faithfulness: not drastic but steady, not immediate but slow, but like transition, it is hard, although a different hard. Repentance is hard because it might cost you an eye or a hand (Matt: 5:30), but faithfulness is hard in its own way; after all, it is very possible to grow weary in doing good (Gal 6:9).

    It’s also not that this new season will be without change: If the last two years could be compared to uprooting and moving a tree, this new season is like letting the tree grow and bear fruit. First, even a healthy tree goes through the changing seasons and must adapt its purpose, be it fall or spring. Second, all healthy trees change; we call this growth. And growth is dependent upon our pruning and God’s providence (more change).

    I’m immensely proud of the incredible CCBC team, which has shown remarkable resilience in shouldering the significant changes over the past two years. Their commitment, love, and sacrifice, along with the support of many of you through prayers, encouragement, and assistance, have been instrumental in the school’s survival. But what excites me even more is the prospect of beginning the long, steady journey towards seeing it flourish.

    This is the first of many monthly newsletters, and our hope is simple: to share with you the victories to celebrate and the needs to pray for. It’s also a heartfelt invitation for all of us to join hands in this long, steady work of seeing Calvary Chapel Bible College flourish for the sake of our world, the support of the church, and the Glory of God.

      -Justin Thomas, President and CEO

    Aby’s Student Experience

    Before ‘Experience CCBC’, I wasn’t even sure if I wanted to go to college. I searched ‘online Christian classes’ and found CCBC; I took online classes my first semester and when I heard about Experience CCBC, I signed up! I came to Experience CCBC and saw the community and how everyone was close and familial. I decided I wanted that for myself.

    The community here is very tight-knit. Being up on the mountain, activities aren’t as close by, so it naturally encourages people to say, “Let’s grab coffee” or “Let’s do something together” which then leads to more conversations. One day, I went to a local coffee shop by myself, and a few minutes later, a group from school showed up too. None of us planned it, but we ended up talking and getting to know each other better. It’s moments like these that have given me the experience of growing alongside others who have the same goal; to flourish in their relationship with God. Being here has pushed me to understand and learn how to value everything Scripture has to offer. 

    – Aby, Current Student

    This October, committed and prospective students will be invited to Experience CCBC! A two-day immersive time where they can ‘Experience CCBC’. The days include student events and meetings with faculty and leadership. It is a time dedicated to showing potential students that while the campus has changed, the mission remains the same.

    Consider, the people who influenced your time at CCBC… was it a friend, family, or church member who prompted your search to learn more? At this moment, is there a friend, family, or church member you’d long to see grow under the mission of Calvary Chapel Bible College?

    We invite you to share this link below with those who’d want to register for this time of fellowship and growth of the CCBC community.