Church History II

The Crusades/Christianity under Islam

Christian Jihad: Two Former Muslims Look at the Crusades and the Killing in the Name of Christ- Caner, Ergun

The Church in the Shadow of the Mosque-Griffith, Sidney H.

The Decline of Eastern Christianity under Islam-Yeor, Bat

Defenders of the West: The Christian Heroes Who Stood Against Them- Ibrahim, Raymond

The Holy Fire: The Story of the Early Centuries of the Christian Church in the Near East- Payne, Robert

The Siege of Acre- Hosler, John D.

The Sword and the Scimitar: Fourteen Centuries of War between Islam and the West- Ibrahim, Raymond


Church History

The Age of Division: Christendom from the Great Schism to the Protestant Reformation- Strickland, John

Byzantine: The Surprising Life of a Medieval Empire- Herrin, Judith

The Celtic Way of Evangelism: How Christianity Can Reach the West- Again- Hunter, George C.

A History of Christian Thought vol. II- Gonzalez, Justo L.

How the Irish Saved Civilization: The Untold Story of Ireland’s Heroic Role from the Fall of Rome to the Rise of Medieval Europe- Cahill, Thomas

Jesus Through Medieval Eyes: Beholding Christ with the Artists, Mystics, and Theologians of the Middle Ages- Hamman, Grace

Lost History of Christianity: The Thousand Year Golden Age of the Church in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia- And How it Died- Jenkins, Philip

The Middle Ages: Fried, Johannes

The Mysteries of the Middle Ages: The Rise of Feminism, Science, and Art From the Cults of Catholic Europe- Cahill, Thomas

The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church- Cross, Frank L.

Ravenna: The Capital of the Empire, The Crucible of Europe- Herrin, Judith


Church Saints

Anselm of Canterbury: His Life and Legacy- Ward, Benedicta

Aquinas: A Beginner’s Guide- Feser, Edward

Great Catholics-Williamson, Claude

Great Voices of the Reformation: An Anthology

Conferences-John Cassian

John of the Cross-Selected Writings

Man of Blessing: A Life of St. Benedict- Butcher, Carmen

The Philosophy of Saint Thomas Aquinas- Brock, Stephen L.

The Philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas- Gilson, Etienne

Rule of Benedict

St. Francis of Assisi: Writings and Early Biographies- Habig Marion

St. Francis of Assisi- Chesterton,G.K.

St. Francis of Assisi-Englebert, Omar

St. Thomas Aquinas- Chesterton, G.K.

Thomas Aquinas: An Evangelical Appraisal- Geisler, Norman

Water from a Deep Well- Sittser, Gerald



Anglo-Saxon Spirituality: Selected Writings

Celtic Spirituality

Scholasticism- Peiper, Josef

The Spirit of Medieval Philosophy- Gilson, Etienne




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